St. John's Lutheran Church
The realm of the impossible
The wonderful thing about praying is that you leave a world of not being able to do something and enter God’s realm, where everything is possible. He specializes in the impossible. Nothing is too great for His almighty power. Nothing is too small for His love.
—Corrie ten Boom
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
The men of St. John’s will be meeting Saturday morning for breakfast and study at 8:00 a.m.
Following the meal will be a brief program concluding by 9:00 a.m.
Women's Bible Study . . .
. . . will return on Thursday, February 13th at noon. Any questions, please contact Rose Montgomery at All are welcome!
Rock of our Salvation Worship
8:30 a.m. Sunday, February 2nd and 16th
Love makes us worthy
Unlike God, who loves unconditionally, humans often make choices and set limits when doling out affection. But Thomas Merton reminds us, “Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody’s business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors worthy.”
A congregation “uses up” a pastor every 40 years. It is said that a congregation needs to raise up a pastor at least once every 40 years in order to replace them. We may or may not think about this aspect of church life, but it is an important part of our Mission and Ministry nonetheless. Simple math tells us that at our 200th anniversary, we have “used up” 5 pastors (and counting).
Pastor Richard Baker, pictured above on the day of his ordination, is one of those who grew up at St. John’s and heard the call from God to ordained ministry. After a life of faithful ministry he died at age 92 on January 11th. We will have a service celebrating his life, ministry, and the sure and certain hope of the resurrection that he faithfully proclaimed, (date not set).
Pastor Kathy Baker will be here February 9th to lead worship. She too grew up here at St. John’s and was called by God into the ordained ministry. As our 200th Anniversary continues, Sons and Daughters of the congregation (and past choir directors and organists) will be invited back to celebrate with us as we thank them for being such a vital part of our mission and ministry.
Never forget to encourage our children and youth to give prayerful consideration to going into the ordained ministry.