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Our Story:

Guardians of the Treasure since 1824

St. John's traces its history back to when Lutheran worship began in Kittanning--1824.  Since that time we have proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ.  We gather to worship God--Father, Son and Holy Spirit each and every Sunday.  Spirituality begins in worship--it provides focus for us to live out lives in faith during the week.

We are students of Jesus, learning to follow Him.  Sunday School and other learning opportunities abound for ages 1 to 101.  We believe the Bible is the true authority for Life, Love, and Salvation.

We are Lutherans who believe that God loves you SO MUCH that He sent His only Son to become human and die for you on the cross.  This is the treasure that has been passed down since Jesus rose from the dead.

St. John's is a member of the North American Lutheran Church.

St. John's Lutheran Church, Kittanning,


Pastor Carl Johnson

“All that I am I owe to Jesus Christ, revealed to me in his divine Book.”
—David Livingstone

I had a discussion this past week about why Sunday School is all about studying the Bible when there are so many other important topics to study. There are
many important topics to study in these days.

The question is always “from what framework do we study the events of our day?” The framework, of course, is Christianity. It provides light to our path. It provides guidance. It illumines the problems of the day.

Epiphany is the time when we talk about following the light of Christ. In the darkness of this world we must have light in which to walk or we will stumble and fall. We will lose our way.

Christ is that light. He enlightens our path. When faced with a decision, we can say to ourselves, “What Would Jesus Do?” But if we do not know Jesus, then the answer is an illusive mirage or worse, self delusional.

But how do we know Christ? The Bible. The Bible is the truest revelation of the Christ. If we do not know our Bibles, then the light of Christ grows dim within us.

This is the time for New Year’s resolutions. It is time to get back to our Bibles. Let us resolve to read our Bibles religiously (hey how about using the word in its proper context!) and participate in the studies offered in Sunday School.

Pastor Carl Johnson's Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
And by appointment

Julie Smith

Director of Children & Youth


Julie Smith's Office Hours
Mon., Wed., Fri.  8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Thursday  8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
And by appointment

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